Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So my friend Abanti from India got her visa! So I guess I better clean the place up. Time to do the dishes and write the last five scenes of the script. Now if that isn't a deadline.Today was productive.Sending out scripts. Heah baby! Then there is Facebook. Goobergosh. All these people from my past. Funniest thing said last week.
Dad: Didn't we go to Mohegan Sun and win a lot of money ?
Sean: Dad went to Mohegan Sun,got drunk and invented a good time.
Well it was funny live. Ah yes-Sean. Back to Italy. He drew that hammer image for me in high school when I did stage crew all the time. The black and white painting was done when I was having a bad day. I like it.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Siobhan! I had no idea you were a painter too. I really like what you have posted, especially the one that you did in Spoleto - the first one that is posted. I would love to see your artwork in person. I think I need to make an in-person visit to Irvington!